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Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut.

Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Busy day....

 From Mr Bernards...

Greetings from Nunavut!

You already heard about the scavenger hunt and making Pualu (mittens) and kakivak (fishing spears). I have included a fishing spear picture.

We also attended an awards assembly at the school, where students are celebrated for their perfect attendance and adherence to Innu values - this month's focus was Teamwork. After the awards were handed out the students gathered in their home teams (mixed groups from kindergarden to grade 12) and played a game where a hat and mitts were transfered from person to person in the circle until all members had worn them.

In the evening 4 brave souls (Ben, Kristen, Eric and Michael) climbed the 1200 ft peak behind the village. The climb took about a hour, and the reward was in the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. The sun was approaching the horizon as we got to the Inukshuks at the summit. The trip down was a lot of fun, as the most efficient way was to slide on our backsides. Meanwhile the other students enjoyed some sports in the gym and traditional Innuit games.

Tomorrow we are spending the day "on the land". We hope to do some ice-fishing, maybe make an igloo and enjoy some more incredible Nunavut fresh air and sunshine.


  1. Tell Ben that Roy gave Jen and I tickets to the next Habs game. Sorry, none for him!

  2. Wow!sounds like an amazing adventure!! The pictures are "breath taking" Wish I was there with my big brother!!!:)

  3. Hey, happy 35th Bah!!
