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Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut.

Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

LBP's first evening in Qikiqtartuaq

From Louise:

After dropping our luggage at our twins houses, the group assembled at the school for ice-breaker activity. They played "Train wreck", where there was 25 students and 24 chairs. The student without a seat had to tell the group something that they liked. Any student with a seat who also liked that thing had to switch seats, the term caller took one of the empty seats, and the others scrambled for a new one. The left over student then had to stand and state an item that the liked, and the process repeated itself. Afterwards we gathered for a traditional Innuit spaghetti dinner prepared by a student, Tommy Pitsulik, ably assisted by teacher Scott Chisholm. After dinner we we given an outline of the activities for the week, which was followed by an exhibition of throat singing and drum dancing.

We had some chocolate chip cookies, then went to our twins' houses to watch the hockey game. Kristen, Ben and Michael enjoyed a 2nd intermission concert performed by violin virtuoso and full-time nurse Joanne Dignard while snacking on muktuk, or  Narwhale skin. Yum!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's updates!
Throat singers: Lila Alookie and Anne Kooneeliusi
Drummer: Daniel Kooneeliusie

1 comment:

  1. Hello all I hope that everyone is having a good time. It truly is a life experience. I just wanted to let you all know that It is Const. Ben Albert's birthday tommorrow and his wife and two beautiful boys Sam & Ethan wish him a very happy birthday and we miss you.
